Monday, October 6, 2008

Boring, boring, boring

It is quite a surprisingly strange feeling when you realise that you are boring
yourself, it seems at the moment that it is impossible to have a conversation
without talking about the recession, and I am no different and it’s all getting a
bit tedious. At the end of the day it’s there, it’s there to stay for a while and we
can rely on the daring duo of Brian ‘my sister is called daisy’ Cowan and Brian
‘what comes after ten’ Lenihan to continue to cock it up the whole way through, and
the bankers who have helped the crisis along the way will remain in their jobs.
There are so many other interesting things happening that we can talk about without
mentioning the ‘R’ word, so here goes.

Congratulations, or not if you are a regular cannabis user, has to be given to
the Rosslare sniffer dog Dillon who found around €10M euro worth of cannabis after a
Dutch registered truck was highlighted due to risk assessment. This probably wasn’t
to hard as the driver had dreadlocks, a colourful woolly hat and was heard to say
‘hey man this is all really groovy’.

It turns out, after the list was published on the Department of Agriculture’s web
site, that Mr Green himself, Michael O’Leary, received almost €13,000 last year from
Brussels for improving the environment in his farm in Co. Westmeath. Those
improvements have to include such things as planting hedgerows, keeping livestock
away from waterways, reducing the amount of slurry spread and of course redirecting
Ryanair flights from flying overhead, keep up the good work Michael.

O J Simpson has finally been convicted for something, and from the sounds of it
his role as Detective Nordberg in the Naked Gun films was the best bit of type
casting in Hollywood history. With what looks like a minimum of fifteen years in
front of him I’m sure he has to be worried about the amount of tattooed sailors in
Joliet Prison looking forward to the new ‘squeeze’ arriving.

Talking of Hollywood, who must now be getting really strapped for cash since the
MPLC, who collect royalties for the big motion picture companies, have contacted the
pre-schools in order to levy €3 plus vat per child a year for watching DVDs. For
goodness sake Disney, have things become that bad, or are you just trying to find
the wages to pay Tom Cruise to play all seven dwarves in the remake of Snow White.

Few, done it, all these interesting things happening and I never once had to
mention recession, oh damn it!

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