Sunday, January 4, 2009

Review of the year

Being this is the first edition of 2009 I had thought of doing a review of the year,
however ‘it was shit’ wasn’t going to be quite long enough so I thought in a break
with tradition I would do the first review of 2009.

Brian Cowan has said that he needs the public to get behind him to deal with the
current financial crisis. Let’s be honest with a face like that there surely isn’t
anyone in the country that wants to be in front of him, but perhaps we should have a
look at what he and his TD’s are up to to move us forward in a year which is looking
to be a difficult one at best.

Well for the next five years the state will be shoring itself up with massive
borrowing, though it would seem if some forward thinking cuts where implemented then
perhaps that borrowing could be kept more in check.

The first thing that could be done would be to remove Beverley ‘with my track
record only in Ireland and Zimbabwe would I still be in office’ Flynn from office.
She has decided to keep the €41,000 allowance which is given to independents as they
don’t have a party backing them, even though she is now once more under the Fianna
Fail wing. She is justifying this because when elected 2007 she was an independent
and is technically allowed to keep the allowance until the next election, plus she
did not receive the allowance for the four years after 2004 when she became an
independent. Wake up you money grabber, you became an independent because you where
flung out of the party for encouraging tax evasion, you should have been taken out
of office, not paid €147,000 a year.

Useless trips abroad by ministers should be curtailed, the latest being Michael
Martin’s planned trip to Cuba. How much that little holiday is going to cost the
country we don’t know yet. What we will get from it can be summed up in on word,
nothing. Perhaps Michael is hoping that with the stepping down of Fidel that the
prime cigar making country is set for a smoking ban, or perhaps it’s just a nice
sunny place to relax.

The government should also try not to spend another €27M to independent advisors
to think about the things that our already over bloated, over paid, useless civil
service should be doing, but then thinking isn’t really their strong point, not when
there is still so much tea to drink and buns to eat.

I must admit however that at present I am slightly worried about the future of my
own homeland, the heart attack capital of the world, Glasgow. With the closing of
USC, the premier seller of shell suits, the average Glaswegian now is looking at a
very bleak year with no new clothes.

And so this review of 2009 has come to the conclusion, guess what, it’s going to
be shit.

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