Sunday, February 22, 2015

Perhaps my last blog

No I’m not planning on disappearing again, but I am starting off this week with a gripe about the Limerick School Project apologising for allowing a copy of the Charlie Hebdo paper being shown to a class where a Muslim child took offence to the image of the prophet Muhammad. What a titanic heap of bullshit. Which is why this perhaps could be my last blog as by this time tomorrow I could be stoned to death, or beheaded, or some such thing.

If truth be known, and don’t tell this to anybody, when the news of the Paris massacre broke I wasn’t really paying attention and my first thought was who would do such a thing over a Snoopy cartoon, never check out the news after a bottle of my homebrew!

What are my issues, well I’ll tell you, in bullet points because I’ve just found the button.

  1. I’m a devout atheist, let’s get that one said early.
  2. I find it sad and disturbing that an eleven year old has been already so indoctrinated into a religion that they would find offence over a cartoon and not over the deaths of twelve people.
  3. I have never had the honour of talking to the guy but I don’t think the cartoon is a particularly good likeness, to be honest it could be a caricature of Laurence of Arabia, and since all the text is in French, a language I am even more unfamiliar with than English, I would be none the wiser.
  4. I have to get out of these bullet points before I go ‘bullet point crazy’, it’s a real condition, look it up, suffered mostly by IT, HR, PHD, perhaps PMT (could be a different sort of bullet I’m thinking of), and some other letters I can’t think of right now.

Do I believe an apology was warranted, in short no, not any more than if some child took offence to ‘The Life Of Brian’ being brought into a Catholic school, or a DVD of the full series of ‘Monkey’ being brought into a Buddhist one.

So before you go sharpening your stones, or picking up machetes from the local quarry, I’m not anti Muslim, Islam or any other such thing, I’m just plain anti religion.

In this age of science and understanding I find it a difficult concept to understand the having of faith, and yes I do applaud loudly (under 80 decibels just in case the noise police are out), everything that Stephen Fry said in his tirade.

  1. Yes I’m at it again, the madness is taking over, though I have to look up the rules to see if this should be 1 or 5, but I’m trusting the button to know what its doing.
  2. There are close to a squillion (I am going to squeeze that word into every blog), different religions in the world today, either their all wrong or there’s a shit load of gods floating about up there having afternoon tea and laughing at us.
  3. If there really was a god, would it have created the Scots? Well that’s not up to me to say.

The Pope, I’m led to believe he’s important to somebody, recently made comment that slapping a child was okay, but not in the face, as that would be humiliating. Are you off your cassock, since when has hitting anybody let alone a child been anything other than humiliating for both you and the poor recipient. Though I might convert to Catholicism under those rules since it might make my visits to the supermarket more enjoyable.

To date there are seven out of nine Catholic orders who have failed to come up to scratch with child protection guidelines, it seems that they have to report again in nine months’ time, not the most auspicious of timelines if you ask me.
If I wasn’t already an atheist, what would have done it for me was when some years ago a pair of conjoined twins were born in Cork, the parents were quoted as saying ‘they’re a blessing from god’. I rest my case, either their god has a more sick sense of humour than me or he, she or it is just one sick bastard.

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