Monday, September 1, 2008

Pity the little children

The little darlings have returned to that boot camp that is customarily known off as
school. Depressed after a summer of rain, floods and crap on you tube.

Pity not those children, more pity the parents who are putting their little
darlings through Ireland's version of free education. Of course they are allowed to
walk through the gate of the school for free, and the teachers themselves don’t tend
to send an invoice home with the children each Friday, not unless they have used any
paper during the week.

Bat O’Keeffe is now in charge of what has to be the Ryan Air of education
systems, you’re never quite sure what it’s going to cost you, and mid term, a
barrier free toll both could be set up outside the pupils toilets, and all you could
do about it is pump diuretics the night before.

You could save a bit of money using passed on books, but no, the consortium that
is the education system and the providers of textbooks like to change a couple of
words each year, new edition, that will be forty Euros please.

You could shop wise when buying the uniform. No sorry, the school dictates where
you can buy that, and normally at over extended rates.

But at least the education is top standard, and our devoted teachers are
providing the best for each and every student that passes their desk. That being the
case, why are grind teachers and grind colleges making so much money.

So Bat, yes, if you must, reintroduce third level fees for the students that can
afford it, no fees hasn’t made the take up of third level education any greater
amongst the socially disadvantaged, and plough the money into the basic education
system, perhaps those that can’t afford national school, never mind third level,
might get a fair crack at the whip.

But I have digressed from the poor children I was thinking off. Pity the poor
children born of the frog king himself, Paul McCartney, for in a household that has
no problem meeting the cost of a decent education, they are blighted by that most
foul disease of the vegan who thinks it’s a good idea to force their children down
that road.

It is at least a bonus that your father will have enough money to have state of
the art dentures made for you, and employ bone specialists to straighten your
withered limbs from the debilitating conditions you are destined to contract from
his decisions.

Yes, pity the little children, the little children who will transfer to become
little adults because their parents think perceived cruelty to animals is worse than
cruelty to children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a 'Bat' back when I was in school... but only 'cos the cane got broken over Maurice Maughan's butt.

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