Monday, July 28, 2008

A shining example of bravery

There are countless examples of bravery, but there is probably a thin line between
bravery and insanity.

Eating Scottish food is most definitely on the insane side of the line. Even if
you ignore, which is very hard to do, the now famous ‘deep fried mars bar’, and
other various confectionary coated in batter, you really would have to enjoy wearing
a special white jacket, or have a death wish to partake too often.

Apart from deep frying, which accounts even for pizza, there is always the pie.
This really involves hiding the things that fell apart when you deep fried them in
gravy and topping with pastry so that the environmental health inspectors can’t spot

There are, of course, the vegetables, these are usually prepared, if at all, in
the ancient tradition, passed from Scottish mother to Scottish mother, down the
centuries, and known as ‘boil the crap out of them’.

Brave or insane, the eating of Scottish cuisine may be, within those bounds you
will not find the bravest person of the week. No, that honour must go to President
Sarkozy’s visit to Ireland.

Not that he would have anything to fear from Irish protestors, a couple of eggs
and a bit of heckling doesn’t really constitute a major security risk.

He had little to fear in meeting with the ‘no’ contingent, they had about enough
time to throw a couple of glaring glances in his direction, and not much more.

No he should, and must, be awarded the international medal of bravery for kissing
Brian Cowen. This is of course swaying towards the insanity side of bravery, but we
should give him the benefit of the doubt.

It is of course brave in many different levels, it is difficult to imagine the
view you would have as your face approaches that point of no return. I feel even the
closing of the eyes routine may not be sufficient.

The thing however, which marks this out as the bravest act of the week, must
surely be when he must return to the, well known, bosom of the fair Carla. How can
he continue to maintain a, let’s face it very public, loving relationship when at
each embrace all he will be able to picture is Brian puckering up.

And so, Nikolas, we salute you, if all men were as brave and selfless, the world
would be a better place.

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